Sunday, December 8, 2013


Ever wonder why you get a pimple for no apparent reason? You’re just about to go out on a date, or you’re meeting someone for the first time, or you have a big presentation, and then all of a sudden… here comes the ZIT! Acne is the most common skin condition that affects more than 5.6 million.
According to the Dermatology Association, having acne can affect more than just your skin. Acne sufferers often experience feeling of embarrassment, depression and frustration.

The good news! Acne is very treatable at home with the right products. 

*Although a good skincare routine can help all types of acne it is recommended that sufferers of severe pustular or cystic acne see a doctor for treatment!
Now…let me tell you a little about how this occurs, and what you can do about it!
The 1st thing you need to be aware of is the importance of cleansing the skin…For oily and acne skin types you need to use a cleanser without harsh surfactants that can further irritate the skin. Derma MD’s Clearifying Wasabi Cleanser will deep pore cleanse, and gently cleanse to remove surface oil, bacteria and debris without stripping the skin of its natural oils…Note: Harsh cleansers, or alkaline and alcohol based bar soaps cause more inflammation, leading to more irritation. Ingredients that are gentle and natural, such as glycerin will condition the skin.
Tone & Hydrate
Hydrating the skin is very important even with acne skin. Derma MD’s Clearifying Wasabi Refining Toner contains a high percentage of Niacinamide (vitamin B3) which has been proven to be not only an antioxidant, but also helps lower bacteria count that cause more inflammation.
Exfoliate & Treat
The thing you need to know is the importance of exfoliating dead skin cells, and moisturizing. Ingredients such as salicylic acid (encapsulated) found in Derma MD’s Clearifying Wasabi Resurfacing Pads and Resurfacing Gel will gently exfoliate dead skin cells and is one of many new delivery systems used in Derma MD’s skin care line. The process of delivery is time release of the ingredients, therefore allows for no irritation that is sometimes found with glycolic acid or other AHA’s applied directly to the skin. You’ve heard the myth…”Acne skin should not be moisturized” Wrong…It is very important to maintain moisture within the skin.
Many types of ingredients such as Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO)…is found to dry out the skin when used for longer periods of time. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, high percentages of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Ceramides, and Wasabi Root Extract have all been found to help control sebum production and slow down bacteria count, which helps to control acne. Note: Avoid products with mineral oils or heavy oils, these will only aggravate the skin and clog the pores.
Should one use a sunscreen on acne or rosacea (ruddy) skin types? The importance of using sunscreen is often misunderstood. Many think sunscreens will irritate their acne more! False! Skin that is already irritated, and is then exposed to sun rays, more inflammation occurs and skin is aggravated even more. By using an oil free sunscreen such as Derma MD’s Last Step SPF 41, the skin will be protected, thus reducing the occurrence of further inflammation! Ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are two of the better choices, especially when combined with hydrating ingredients and antioxidants. Always use a sunscreen daily, even if it is cloudy and or rainy!
Remember: “Protection During the Day, Keeps Further Zits from Coming Your Way”
If you have any particular questions about your skin condition, don’t hesitate to email me. I will be happy to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction: – Founder of Derma MD!


Antioxidants are important in skincare because they can help reduce free radical damage. Free radical damage is known to contribute to premature aging, wrinkles and hyper pigmentation. When you slice an apple in half it will begin to turn brown within minutes. This is called oxidization, or free radical damage in action. Now slice another apple in half and then sprinkle it with some lemon juice (vitamin C). The vitamin C (also a powerful antioxidant) will help prevent oxidization and the apple will stay fresh for much longer. This is antioxidization in action!
BUT…Let’s talk about a very important antioxidant that is not only an antioxidant, but more importantly it is an Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant…Name is AstaXanthin. CHECK OUT THE 2ND VIDEO BELOW TO SEE ACTUAL DEMONSTRATIONS HOW THIS UNIQUE ANTIOXIDANT IS FOUND TO BE MORE POWERFUL FOR THE SKIN THAN… VITAMIN C-COENZYME-Q10 Or GREEN TEA!
AstaXanthin is an extremely powerful antioxidant that plays a very important role in skincare. AstaXanthin is extracted from a type of marine algae that gives salmon and shellfish like shrimp, its beautiful pink color. Tropical areas such as Hawaii are some of the richest sources of AstaXanthin.
According to Wikipedia;
The free-radical theory of aging (FRTA) states that organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time. A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. While a few free radicals such as melanin are not chemically reactive, most biologically-relevant free radicals are highly reactive. For most biological structures, free radical damage is closely associated with oxidative damage. Antioxidants are reducing agents, and limit oxidative damage to biological structures by passivating free radicals.
So basically what we are saying here is that:
Antioxidants help prevent free radical damage.
Now back to AstaXanthin. This powerhouse antioxidant has been getting a lot of press lately. It is a relatively new discovery and has been proven to be one of the strongest, anti-inflammatory/antioxidants available. Studies show that AstaXanthin far surpasses the antioxidant benefits of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E combined!
In this video, Dr Mercola (who has been seen on the Dr Oz Show) talks about this powerful antioxidant. He is referring to it mostly as a vitamin supplement however much of this same information applies when used topically.
Importance & Benefits of Astaxanthin

Derma MD uses AstaXanthin in many key products in high concentration (3%) for best results. Our revolutionary Pink Silk Face Firming Rejuvenator is Derma MD’s # 1 seller and has been for 10 years.  Astaxanthin is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant with a combination of potent anti-aging ingredients that fight free radicals, protect from UV damage, stimulate collagen synthesis and improve skin’s elasticity. AstaXanthin is also found in our Pink Plasma Cell Rejuvenating Serum, Exfoliant Micro Peel Cre’me and D Puff Eye Repair.
Be sure to get these phenomenal products with astaxanthin at a minimal cost with our Holiday Special  that is up and running from now til Christmas! You will see the power of what it can do for your skin!
 Found under monthly special tab!
If you have any particular questions about your skin or any skincare condition you would like to have addressed, please don’t hesitate to email me direct.  I am here to offer you assistance and answer any of your questions to help you obtain the most beautiful skin you truly desire.
email:   Founder of Derma MD


For Glowing Skin, Exfoliate!

It’s that time of year where the cold winter air seems to really dry out the skin, and we all want younger hydrated looking skin in 5 minutes? Impossible you say? Not only is it possible, it’s something so simple it can be done in mere minutes in your own home. What is this miracle anti-aging treatment I speak of? Exfoliation. Plain and simple.
Understanding Exfoliation

It is the process of sloughing off the outermost layer of dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin, and there are two methods…mechanical and chemical.

In Mechanical Exfoliation, skin cells are physically scrubbed off with an abrasive material such as the sea salts used in body glow treatments for example. Microdermabrasion is also an example of Mechanical Exfoliation, where fine crystals are sprayed onto the skin to remove dead skin cells at a deeper level and then the crystals and skin cells are sucked into a light vacuum leaving the skin smooth
In Chemical Exfoliation, a mild acid or enzyme is applied to the skin to loosen the bond that holds skin cells together, allowing them to be sloughed away. This can be done daily at home with a mild acid such as salicylic acid, found in Derma MD’s Skin Renew or can be done with a stronger acid or enzyme in a spa or dermatologists office in a procedure known as a Chemical Peel.
Now why does exfoliation make you look younger? It’s all about the way the skin reflects light. A rough surface will absorb light and draw attention to lines and wrinkles. A smooth surface will reflect light and diffuse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Not only that but with all those dead skin cells removed, anti-aging products can be better absorbed into the skin allowing them to do their job more effectively.
Now let’s talk about the products Derma MD offers to provide both exfoliation processes in your skincare routine!

Our Mechanical option, the unique one of its kind… Exfoliant Micro Peel uses corundum crystals, like those found in microdermabrasion equipment, combined with luxurious anti-aging ingredients in a creamy base. Used 2 or 3 times per week, it will leave your skin smooth, soft and supple allowing for better penetration of serums such as Derma MD’s Pink Silk or Pink Plasma which will continue to hydrate, rejuvenate and protect the skin after exfoliating.
Our Chemical option, the superstar Skin Renew Serum has a unique delivery system of 4% encapsulated salicylic acid that will increase cell turnover and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This product is also wonderful for acneic skin as salicylic acid is known to exfoliate inside the pore to remove dead skin cells that can block the pore and cause acne. See our blog post Winning the Battle with Acne for more info.
There are 2 important things to remember when adding an exfoliant to your skincare routine.

1. Don’t overdo it! Having smooth, supple skin is a wonderful thing but over exfoliating n cause excessive dryness, increased sensitivity and redness.
2. Hydrate! The key to smooth and younger looking means exfoliation, but you must re-hydrate the skin afterwards.Derma MD’s Pink Silk Face Firming Serum is the answer
3. Wear sunscreen!  Even on cloudy days! Your freshly exfoliated face will look smooth and beautiful but that outer layer of skin cells was offering some protection from the sun. It is extremely important to protect that glowing new skin with a high SPF sunblock such as Derma MD’s Last Step Daytime Moisturizer with an SPF 41.

I’m always here to answer your questions and or concerns, so don’t hesitate to email me directly.
Email: – Founder of Derma MD and your skincare specialist who wants you to have the beautiful skin you deserve and desire!


It’s no secret that an “active” lifestyle is good for your skin.  Exercise increases circulation to help nourish the skin, and the increased blood flow can also help flush out cellular debris.  Add to that the stress reduction that comes from working out and you are well on your way to a glowing complexion. 
But what about using “active” ingredients in your skincare products? 
The term “active ingredients” is thrown around a lot in the beauty industry and we are here to set the record straight.  An active ingredient is one which has been proven to make structural changes within the skin.  They must be found in adequate concentrations within a product to be considered “active”.  Most over-the-counter drugstore and department store brands have very few, if any active ingredients.  These products may cleanse and moisturize the skin but they do little else.
Looking for anti-aging products that really work?  Look for a line with a high percentage of active ingredients such aspeptides and antioxidants.  Cosmeceutical lines such as Derma MD contain a much higher level of active ingredients than what you will find in most drug stores, department stores and even spas!
So what are peptides and antioxidants?  In an earlier blog post I provided more in depth information for each category but for now here are a few things you should know when shopping for good products that produce results 
Peptides are one of the newest technologies in skincare.  Due to their high cost and complexity they are found only in premium, active skincare lines such as Derma MD®.  Peptides can increase collagen in the skin, increase micro-circulation, relax muscles and increase cellular communication resulting in firmer, tighter and younger looking skin.  Some peptides to look for in Derma MD® skincare are Copper-Peptide (found in Hydra Calm), Matrixyl 3000™ (found in Replenish),  Eyeliss and Haloxyl (found in Peptide 3  Eye Cream) and Melanostatine 5™ and Lumiskin (found in Diminish).
Antioxidants are powerful substances that fight free radical damage in the skin by inhibiting oxidization.  Antioxidants can reduce inflammation, firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen and repair sun damage.  AstaXanthin is a potent, anti-inflammatory antioxidant that in its concentrated form costs more than $1,800 per lb!  It is a potent free radical scavenger that is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered!  It can be found to be up to 1000 times more effective than vitamin E and 10 times stronger than beta-carotene for its antioxidant properties!  It is found in high concentration in our revolutionary serum, Pink Silk.  Other antioxidants to look for include Alpha Lipoic Acid (found in Uplifting), Apple Stem Cell Extract and Snail Secretion Filtrate (found in Pink Plasma).
Combinations in high percentages (such as those found in Derma MD products) of these powerful “active” ingredients will produce deep structural changes and visible results in the skin with regular use.  Ad these active ingredients to your healthy lifestyle and you are well on your way to healthy, younger looking skin!
Please feel free to contact me directly with any skincare questions you may have regarding your skin and or any skin condition that may be of concern.  I’m always here to help!
Email: – Founder of Derma MD® and your personal skincare specialist!


Out of curiosity, one day we decided to poll the staff at Derma MD to find out what our favorite products were. We were each asked to name our top 3 products and why we liked them. The staff at Derma MD in both Canada and the USA range in age and skin type but there were 3 products that topped the list of favorites.
1. The number one staff favorite is our best selling Pink Silk Face Firming Rejuvenator!
Sheila, President and Founder of Derma MD says:
I love this product and have for 10 years. Being an aesthetician as well as owner, I know that the properties of astaxanthin (red algae) is protecting my skin from free radical damage that will slow down my aging process. Also the feel of it allows my makeup to glide on, so it provides my skin with the appearance of looking flawless and more radiant.

Mindy from accounting says:
Our famous Pink Silk Face Firming Rejuvenator has anti-aging ingredients, increases moisture retention, helps maintain normal levels of collagen AND actually feels like silk! BUT, if that wasn’t enough it also doubles as a makeup primer. I use this before I apply my foundation for a flawless look that lasts all day.

Karen, product representative says:
The Pink Silk makes it seem as though my fine lines around my eye area diminish. I have rosacea and since using Hydra-Calm, Pink Silk and the Enzymatic Cleanser my rosacea has calmed down significantly.
Lisa, product representative says:
I think Pink Silk is the product that has made the most visible difference in my skin. My fine lines have been reduced and people tell me that that my skin is glowing! I love it when people ask me how old I am and are shocked when I tell them my age! I will never be without Pink Silk.
2. Our second most popular product among staff is our fabulous Peptide Eye Creme.
Sheila, President and Founder of Derma MD says:
Another must have for me! The eyes have a tendency to show our age, therefore, I made this product not only for my customers and clients, but for myself. We all have tale-tale signs of another year older, but with the ingredients I incorporated into this product, I know my eye area will NOT tell my age….It helps work on the puffiness and dark circles I can get sometimes due to stress and over-work, and maybe not enough sleep. So when I use this every night prior to bedtime, I know my eyes will look refreshed, soft and younger looking in the am. But the ingredients I know will continue to provide all that my eyes need to keep that youthful look.

Lisa, product representative says:
I have a pretty stressful life and sometimes that stress shows up around my eyes with dark circles, puffiness and fine lines. I use this product morning and night and it really softens lines, reduces puffiness and makes my dark circles less noticeable. I still have to wear concealer but I love how easily it glides on after applying this!

3. Our third most popular product among staff is our Last Step Daytime Moisturizer SPF 41.
Mindy from accounting says:
The Last Step Daytime Moisturizer is not only an excellent moisturizer for everyday use, but it also has an SPF of 41 with 7.5% zinc oxide! No need for extra sunblock, it’s another great 2 in 1 product working overtime to protect my skin.

Lisa, product representative says:
Protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun is one of the most important things you can do for your skin! Most sun protection for the face is greasy and causes me to break out. Last Step Daytime Moisturizer goes on so smooth and absorbs almost instantly! It never causes me to break out and it’s so light you can’t even feel it’s there. It really is the perfect daytime moisturizer!

Honorable Mention goes to our Enzymatic Cleanser which was also a popular choice among staff.
Mindy from accounting writes:
The Enzymatic Cleanser is refreshing with pineapple and papaya enzyme. It smells delicious! Not only does it hydrate and cleanse my sensitive skin, BUT it exfoliates, it’s an eye makeup remover and it’s great for shaving! Say goodbye to razor bumps and annoying shaving cream cans in the shower. That’s 4 products in one!
Karen, product representative writes:
I really like the enzymatic cleanser because I love the smell of it and the way it makes my skin feel clean and never dries it out.
“One thing we all have in common is how much we love the products! Many of us were drawn to work at Derma MD because we were customers who have tried the product and fell in love with the results”.
Try them yourself and see if you fall in love too!
Please feel free to contact me directly for any of  the following favorites you might like to try for a free sample!
Pink Silk-Last Step-Replenish-Enzyme Cleanser!  email: - Founder of Derma MD and your skin care specialist:)


Have your eyelashes and brows lost some of their fullness over the years?
It is not uncommon for lashes to become shorter, thinner, lighter and less dense as we age.  The same is true for brows.  This can unfortunately contribute the appearance of aging as thick full eyelashes and brows frame and draw attention to the eyes which can create the bright, wide-eyed look associated with youth.  Using products such asDerma MD’s Peptide Eye Cream can help combat lines and wrinkles around the eyes but what do you do about thinning brows and lashes?
Understanding how your lashes and brows grow and why they begin to lose fullness as we age. 
Every hair on your body from your eyelashes to the hair on your head grows in three phases. Growing, resting and shedding.  As we age the eyelash and brow follicles (as well as all hair follicles on your body) begin to slow down.  Hair growth slows and some follicles become dormant and stop producing hair all together.  While it can be great to not have to shave your legs as often as you used to, watching your lashes begin to disappear can be tough!
Thankfully there is help for thinning lashes and brows!
New technology to the rescue!   Derma MD’s newest formulation of Lash Enhancer and Brow Enhancer  contain a synergery of new ingredients to thicken and lengthen lashes and provide fuller brows without using drugs.  Unlike most companies who are using the SAME peptides, Derma MD has compounded a one of its kind formulation to address these areas  without irritation.  This very unique product can lengthen and thicken approximately 25% in 2-4 weeks!  Note:  Each case will vary!
Now how does it work?
The Tetrapeptide-3 combined with a clover extract will target three contributing factors in hair loss.  It prevents hair miniaturization, favors a better hair anchoring, and reduces inflammation…an aggravating factor in hair loss.   Used twice daily new lashes appear to grow where they were once dormant creating thicker and fuller lashes, and additonal peptides will add and promote hair bulb keratinocyte proliferation.
Multiple vitamins and niacinamide will aid in strengthening the hair and help with microcirculation, and other beneficial ingredients will  also condition the hair, making lashes less brittle and prone to breakage.  NOTE:  Once length and fullness has reached your desire,  one daily application needed to maintain. Derma MD continue to provide you the best of the best for all your skincare and cosmetic needs!

25% increase in length and thickness  - clinical study shown within 2 weeks

Don’t miss out on Derma MD  special savings for our new lash and or brow enhancer.  Only $34.95, regularly $59.95.  Savings of 60%!  Check out our facebook AD!

Feel free to contact me directly with any questions and or concerns.  Our main goal is to help you obtain beautiful skin, longer lashes, fuller brows and sexi lips.
email: – Founder of Derma MD  


Matrixyl 3000, Copper and Zinc, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Acetyl Platinum Peptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3. What do these exotic sounding ingredients have in common?
They are all peptides. Along with antioxidants, peptides are showing up in high concentrations in the best active skincare products. Why? Because they produce the results we all long for. Peptides have multiple properties and each are designed to provide a specific function in the skin.   They are often referred to as the building blocks of life.
How do they work?
It’s all about collagen. When we are young our skin is plump, smooth and taut, as it is full of youthful collagen. As we age collagen and elasticity is lost but not easily replaced. Peptides help replace some of this lost collagen by signaling the skin to produce more. Applying peptides to your skin tricks your skin into thinking it has lost collagen and needs to kick into production. Peptides such as Matrixyl 3000 and Copper Peptide with Zinc are  a few that are found to help your skin produce more collagen. Copper Peptide found  in Derma MD’s Hydra Calm Mineral Moisturizer is utilized by almost every cell in your body. It is also a potent antioxidant and also assists in tissue repair.
Matrixyl 3000 found in many of Derma MD’s products is a dual action peptide that helps prevent collagen loss and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Acetyl Hexapeptide -8 is a neuropeptide that reduces wrinkles by decreasing strength of facial muscles by disrupting nerve signals. These two peptides are great to use around the eyes as this is the area that expression lines are likely to form.

Ingredients for Dark Circles & Puffiness
Dark circles around the eyes can be lightened and puffiness reduced with ingredients such as Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5, Eyeliss and Haloxyl (found in Derma MD’s Peptide 3 Eye Cream and new Peptide Rich Eye treament). These ingredients help improve lymphatic drainage and reduces capillary fragility to reduce puffiness, and reduce and eliminate colored blood pigments (hemoglobin) in the skin making dark circles less noticeable. The combination of the peptides reinforce firmness and tone to the eye area, keeping eyes younger looking.
Peptides can be found in many skincare products from drugstore lines to high end lines but the key is to look for is a high percentage of active ingredients. Derma MD strives to create products with the highest levels of active ingredients available. Peptides combined with powerful antioxidants such as Asta-Xanthin and Apple Stem Cells can greatly improve the appearance of your skin, smoothing lines and wrinkles and creating younger, firmer looking skin.

Please feel free to email me directly regarding any questions you may have about your own skincare regime, ingredients, and or any concerns regarding your skin.  I’m here to be your personal skincare specialist.  – Founder of Derma MD


Patients seek skin lightening and or brightening for a variety of reasons, and science has produced an equal variety of products to meet their needs.  Some of the more popoular ones with Derma MD is its New Lightening and Brightening Cre’me…soon to launch, and its Diminish and Trusted Lightening Complex.  Each of these have purposes to not only help lighten dark spots, but to  also help brighten the skin so that it appears more vibrant.
Function of  Melanin
It is a known fact that both hyperpigmentation and melasma are two of the most difficult skin conditions to clear up next to acne.  As much as we all enjoy the sunshine, it is also one of the skin’s worst enemies.  Melanin serves an important role in our health by absorbing ultraviolet light thereby protecting the skin from sun damage, but overtime the skin will show its damage and we will start to develop those ugly dark spots, sometimes referred to as age spots and or hyperpigmentation.   Those with more melanin, such as people of color are less likely to burn when exposed to sun and will show less overall affects of sun damage compared to people with fair type skin.
Ingredients Found in Lightening Products
Professionals wary about hydroquinone’s possible side effects now have several newer options to choose from.  Don’t get me wrong…hydroquinone is and has been one of the more popular skin lightening agents for many years, but in my opinion is still an ingredient that should be prescribed by physician only when used for long periods of time.
So what are our options?  Kojic Acid is derived from mushroom and has been used quite successfully in lightening products.  Derma MD incorporates 8% in Diminish and 4% Kojic Powder in its Trusted Lightening Complex and it’s soon to launch …Lightening & Brightening Cre’me Another up and coming recognized ingredient for its lightening properties is Melanostatin-5. This is a new peptide that helps prevent the melanocyte from producing melanin which causes the darkness.  Other ingredients  that are found to be excellent when incorporated into lightening products are licorice extract, bearberry, and vitamin c to name a few.
Lightening ingredients appear to have far superior results when combined with some alpha hydroxys, such as your lactic, malic and or glycolic acids, such as found in Skin Renew or Wasabi Resurfacing Gel.
NOTE:  If you have severe hyperpigmentation and or melasma, consult with your physician and or skin care specialist to discuss  a non-invasive procedure named IPL (intense pulse light).  This procedure combined with topicals will accelerate the diminish of dark pigmented areas.  This procedure is usually performed in a series of 3-6 according to level of skin condition.
As long as there’s a need for skin lighteners, its’ safe to assume that products and technology will continue to evolve, and those with the conditions of  hyperpigmentation, melasma or age spots will continue the journey looking for result oriented lightening products for their cosmetic improvements.
Feel free to contact me directly with any question you may have regarding hyperpigmentation, age spots and or melasma…I’m your personal skincare specialist
email: – Founder of Derma MD


Does Your Skin Feel Tight, Dry or Itchy?

If so, your skin may be dehydrated.  Dehydration is a common skin condition that can occur in all skin types.  Most people will experience skin dehydration at some point in their lives.  If you have ever had a sun burn or wind burn you have experienced a more severe form of skin dehydration.  That tight, hot, itchy feeling is your skin crying out for moisture.  Dehydration doesn’t have to be that severe to be damaging though.  Even subtle signs of dehydration can lead to premature aging and a dull, lackluster complexion.

In accessing your own skin, it is important to know the difference between dry skin anddehydrated skin.

Dry skin generally refers to skin that is lacking oil.

Dehydrated skin refers to skin that is lacking water in the outermost layers (the stratum corneum).

Although dehydration often accompanies dry skin, dehydration can also occur in the oiliest skin types as well.

Your body is made up of 80% water, but maintaining it on the skin’s surface can be difficult.  A healthy, efficient epidermis should hold 13.5% of water, yet  if it loses just 3.5% of that then it can become dehydrated.  The environment is a large contributing factor to dehydrated skin.  In the winter dry, cold air outside and electric heating inside can dehydrate the surface of the skin.  In the summer hot sunshine and air-conditioning can contribute to the condition.

Does Your Skin Feel Dehydrated?

Signs of Dehydration in the Skin

Skin feels tight.  This is especially noticeable when you smile.  You may feel pulling around the nose and mouth.

Skin feels irritated.  Dehydrated skin may feel hot or itchy.  Windburn is a form of dehydration.

Skin develops superficial lines.  If you lightly pinch a section of skin, dehydrated skin shows fine, dry lines and sometimes flaking.

Does Drinking Lots Of Water Prevent Dehydration?

It is a common myth that drinking water will help prevent skin dehydration.  Although drinking plenty of water is good for your general health, it will do very little to prevent skin dehydrationCosmetic Dermatologist, Dr Sam Bunting says, “Drinking water to rehydrate dry skin is a bit like sitting in the bath and expecting it to quench your thirst.”

Does Diet Make A Difference?

Yes.  Eating a well balanced diet that includes essential nutrients like Omega 3 fatty acids can help the skin hold onto water and stay hydrated.  Dr. Howard Murad, who wrote the book “The Water Secret” recommends eating your water by replacing some of the water you would drink in a day with a serving of “juicy” fruits and vegetables.  Dr. Murad says, “‘Eating foods that are rich in structured water, especially raw fruits  and vegetables, will not only help your body hold onto water longer,  you’ll get the added boost of important antioxidants, fiber and other  nutrients.”

Eating “juicy” fruits and vegetables can help your body hold onto water longer.

Does Skincare Make A Difference?

Absolutely!  One of the best ways to hydrate the skin from the outside in is with a serum containing Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid is produced naturally in the body however over time the synthesis of hyaluronic acid decreases.  A baby’s skin is full of hyaluronic acid which explains why babies and children rarely experience skin dehydration.  Hyaluronic acid helps the skin hold onto water, plumping up cells and giving skin backs its youthful appearance.  It not only hydrates the surface of the skin (the epidermis) but also penetrates deeply into the dermal layer, increasing the viscosity of the connective tissues and giving the skin the soft supple glow that it has been missing.

At Derma MD we are known for producing products with a high percentage of active ingredients and our Replenish Hydrating Serum is no exception.  It contains 8-10% Hyaluronic Acid combined with a mega peptide complex including Copper Peptide Complex, Matrixyl 3000 and Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 to stimulate collagen synthesis.  Use morning and night after cleansing but before applying other treatments and moisturizers to increase hydration and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  To learn more about peptides, see our article Let’s Talk About Peptides.  Used daily skin texture and hydration will significantly improve and your once thirsty skin will be quenched.

Feel free to contact me directly for any question you may have regarding your skin…   - Founder of Derma MD...your personal skincare specialist!

Age Managment Antioxidants: Vitamin C & Astaxanthin

Antioxidants are important in skincare because they can help reduce free radical damage.  Free radical damage is known to contribute to premature aging, wrinkles and hyper pigmentation.  When you slice an apple in half it will begin to turn brown within minutes.  This is called oxidization, or free radical damage in action.  The vitamin C (also a powerful antioxidant) will help prevent oxidization and the apple will stay fresh for much longer.  This is antioxidization in action! Derma MD® incorporates multiple antioxidants in our skincare line, but two of these very important antioxidants are AstaXanthin and Vitamin C!
AstaXanthin is an extremely powerful antioxidant that plays a very important role in skincare.  AstaXanthin is extracted from a type of marine algae that gives salmon and shellfish like shrimp, its beautiful pink color.                                      
This powerhouse antioxidant has been getting a lot of press lately.  It is a relatively new discovery for skincare, but Derma MD ® has been incorporating it for the last 10 years, in one of its most popular products…”Pink Silk” Face Firming Rejuvenator!
AstaXanthin has been proven to be one of the strongest, anti-inflammatory/antioxidants available.  Studies show thatAstaXanthin far surpasses the antioxidant benefits of beta-carotene, Vitamin A and Vitamin E combined! Derma MD ® uses AstaXanthin in many key products in high concentration (2-3%) for best results.  Our newest addition withAstaXanthin is our new revolutionary… S-Cargot Face Lift Anti-Aging Serum …Some of the more anti-aging benefits of this product are as follows:
One of the more potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidants.  Found to be to 1000 times stronger than Vitamin E, and up to 10 times stronger than beta-carotene.
Combined with potent anti-aging ingredients that fight free radicals, this product also protects from UV damage.
Stimulates collagen synthesis and improve skin’s elasticity.
Vitamin © is a very potent antioxidant and can be found in most of the citrus fruits such as grapefruit.  Some of the more beneficial properties found in Vitamin C are:
Promote collagen production- Vitamin © is proven to stimulate the synthesis collagen. Skin loses vitamin C over time, thus making line & wrinkles more prominent.  Topical Vitamin © allows for the skin to start that stimulation once again, thus reducing fine lines & wrinkles, protecting from free radical damage.
Helps to brighten the skin and improve its texture.  Vitamin © is found to stimulate increase of the cellular turnover, leaving skin more radiant and softer.
Fights free radicals-being a potent antioxidant it helps protect skin from free radical damage.  Free radical activity increases due to UV radiation from sun, environmental factors, such as pollutants, over excessive alcohol intake and cigarette smoke to name just a few.
Derma MD ® newest addition is C-Genie 17% Vitamin C Serum…This stabilized formula should be a main staple of your skin care regimen.  Used daily and you skin will look more vibrant, healthier and younger looking within a few weeks.