Sunday, December 8, 2013


It’s no secret that an “active” lifestyle is good for your skin.  Exercise increases circulation to help nourish the skin, and the increased blood flow can also help flush out cellular debris.  Add to that the stress reduction that comes from working out and you are well on your way to a glowing complexion. 
But what about using “active” ingredients in your skincare products? 
The term “active ingredients” is thrown around a lot in the beauty industry and we are here to set the record straight.  An active ingredient is one which has been proven to make structural changes within the skin.  They must be found in adequate concentrations within a product to be considered “active”.  Most over-the-counter drugstore and department store brands have very few, if any active ingredients.  These products may cleanse and moisturize the skin but they do little else.
Looking for anti-aging products that really work?  Look for a line with a high percentage of active ingredients such aspeptides and antioxidants.  Cosmeceutical lines such as Derma MD contain a much higher level of active ingredients than what you will find in most drug stores, department stores and even spas!
So what are peptides and antioxidants?  In an earlier blog post I provided more in depth information for each category but for now here are a few things you should know when shopping for good products that produce results 
Peptides are one of the newest technologies in skincare.  Due to their high cost and complexity they are found only in premium, active skincare lines such as Derma MD®.  Peptides can increase collagen in the skin, increase micro-circulation, relax muscles and increase cellular communication resulting in firmer, tighter and younger looking skin.  Some peptides to look for in Derma MD® skincare are Copper-Peptide (found in Hydra Calm), Matrixyl 3000™ (found in Replenish),  Eyeliss and Haloxyl (found in Peptide 3  Eye Cream) and Melanostatine 5™ and Lumiskin (found in Diminish).
Antioxidants are powerful substances that fight free radical damage in the skin by inhibiting oxidization.  Antioxidants can reduce inflammation, firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen and repair sun damage.  AstaXanthin is a potent, anti-inflammatory antioxidant that in its concentrated form costs more than $1,800 per lb!  It is a potent free radical scavenger that is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered!  It can be found to be up to 1000 times more effective than vitamin E and 10 times stronger than beta-carotene for its antioxidant properties!  It is found in high concentration in our revolutionary serum, Pink Silk.  Other antioxidants to look for include Alpha Lipoic Acid (found in Uplifting), Apple Stem Cell Extract and Snail Secretion Filtrate (found in Pink Plasma).
Combinations in high percentages (such as those found in Derma MD products) of these powerful “active” ingredients will produce deep structural changes and visible results in the skin with regular use.  Ad these active ingredients to your healthy lifestyle and you are well on your way to healthy, younger looking skin!
Please feel free to contact me directly with any skincare questions you may have regarding your skin and or any skin condition that may be of concern.  I’m always here to help!
Email: – Founder of Derma MD® and your personal skincare specialist!

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