Sunday, December 8, 2013


Antioxidants are important in skincare because they can help reduce free radical damage. Free radical damage is known to contribute to premature aging, wrinkles and hyper pigmentation. When you slice an apple in half it will begin to turn brown within minutes. This is called oxidization, or free radical damage in action. Now slice another apple in half and then sprinkle it with some lemon juice (vitamin C). The vitamin C (also a powerful antioxidant) will help prevent oxidization and the apple will stay fresh for much longer. This is antioxidization in action!
BUT…Let’s talk about a very important antioxidant that is not only an antioxidant, but more importantly it is an Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant…Name is AstaXanthin. CHECK OUT THE 2ND VIDEO BELOW TO SEE ACTUAL DEMONSTRATIONS HOW THIS UNIQUE ANTIOXIDANT IS FOUND TO BE MORE POWERFUL FOR THE SKIN THAN… VITAMIN C-COENZYME-Q10 Or GREEN TEA!
AstaXanthin is an extremely powerful antioxidant that plays a very important role in skincare. AstaXanthin is extracted from a type of marine algae that gives salmon and shellfish like shrimp, its beautiful pink color. Tropical areas such as Hawaii are some of the richest sources of AstaXanthin.
According to Wikipedia;
The free-radical theory of aging (FRTA) states that organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time. A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. While a few free radicals such as melanin are not chemically reactive, most biologically-relevant free radicals are highly reactive. For most biological structures, free radical damage is closely associated with oxidative damage. Antioxidants are reducing agents, and limit oxidative damage to biological structures by passivating free radicals.
So basically what we are saying here is that:
Antioxidants help prevent free radical damage.
Now back to AstaXanthin. This powerhouse antioxidant has been getting a lot of press lately. It is a relatively new discovery and has been proven to be one of the strongest, anti-inflammatory/antioxidants available. Studies show that AstaXanthin far surpasses the antioxidant benefits of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E combined!
In this video, Dr Mercola (who has been seen on the Dr Oz Show) talks about this powerful antioxidant. He is referring to it mostly as a vitamin supplement however much of this same information applies when used topically.
Importance & Benefits of Astaxanthin

Derma MD uses AstaXanthin in many key products in high concentration (3%) for best results. Our revolutionary Pink Silk Face Firming Rejuvenator is Derma MD’s # 1 seller and has been for 10 years.  Astaxanthin is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant with a combination of potent anti-aging ingredients that fight free radicals, protect from UV damage, stimulate collagen synthesis and improve skin’s elasticity. AstaXanthin is also found in our Pink Plasma Cell Rejuvenating Serum, Exfoliant Micro Peel Cre’me and D Puff Eye Repair.
Be sure to get these phenomenal products with astaxanthin at a minimal cost with our Holiday Special  that is up and running from now til Christmas! You will see the power of what it can do for your skin!
 Found under monthly special tab!
If you have any particular questions about your skin or any skincare condition you would like to have addressed, please don’t hesitate to email me direct.  I am here to offer you assistance and answer any of your questions to help you obtain the most beautiful skin you truly desire.
email:   Founder of Derma MD

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