Sunday, December 8, 2013


For Glowing Skin, Exfoliate!

It’s that time of year where the cold winter air seems to really dry out the skin, and we all want younger hydrated looking skin in 5 minutes? Impossible you say? Not only is it possible, it’s something so simple it can be done in mere minutes in your own home. What is this miracle anti-aging treatment I speak of? Exfoliation. Plain and simple.
Understanding Exfoliation

It is the process of sloughing off the outermost layer of dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin, and there are two methods…mechanical and chemical.

In Mechanical Exfoliation, skin cells are physically scrubbed off with an abrasive material such as the sea salts used in body glow treatments for example. Microdermabrasion is also an example of Mechanical Exfoliation, where fine crystals are sprayed onto the skin to remove dead skin cells at a deeper level and then the crystals and skin cells are sucked into a light vacuum leaving the skin smooth
In Chemical Exfoliation, a mild acid or enzyme is applied to the skin to loosen the bond that holds skin cells together, allowing them to be sloughed away. This can be done daily at home with a mild acid such as salicylic acid, found in Derma MD’s Skin Renew or can be done with a stronger acid or enzyme in a spa or dermatologists office in a procedure known as a Chemical Peel.
Now why does exfoliation make you look younger? It’s all about the way the skin reflects light. A rough surface will absorb light and draw attention to lines and wrinkles. A smooth surface will reflect light and diffuse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Not only that but with all those dead skin cells removed, anti-aging products can be better absorbed into the skin allowing them to do their job more effectively.
Now let’s talk about the products Derma MD offers to provide both exfoliation processes in your skincare routine!

Our Mechanical option, the unique one of its kind… Exfoliant Micro Peel uses corundum crystals, like those found in microdermabrasion equipment, combined with luxurious anti-aging ingredients in a creamy base. Used 2 or 3 times per week, it will leave your skin smooth, soft and supple allowing for better penetration of serums such as Derma MD’s Pink Silk or Pink Plasma which will continue to hydrate, rejuvenate and protect the skin after exfoliating.
Our Chemical option, the superstar Skin Renew Serum has a unique delivery system of 4% encapsulated salicylic acid that will increase cell turnover and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This product is also wonderful for acneic skin as salicylic acid is known to exfoliate inside the pore to remove dead skin cells that can block the pore and cause acne. See our blog post Winning the Battle with Acne for more info.
There are 2 important things to remember when adding an exfoliant to your skincare routine.

1. Don’t overdo it! Having smooth, supple skin is a wonderful thing but over exfoliating n cause excessive dryness, increased sensitivity and redness.
2. Hydrate! The key to smooth and younger looking means exfoliation, but you must re-hydrate the skin afterwards.Derma MD’s Pink Silk Face Firming Serum is the answer
3. Wear sunscreen!  Even on cloudy days! Your freshly exfoliated face will look smooth and beautiful but that outer layer of skin cells was offering some protection from the sun. It is extremely important to protect that glowing new skin with a high SPF sunblock such as Derma MD’s Last Step Daytime Moisturizer with an SPF 41.

I’m always here to answer your questions and or concerns, so don’t hesitate to email me directly.
Email: – Founder of Derma MD and your skincare specialist who wants you to have the beautiful skin you deserve and desire!

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